Apostila de Inglês com modulo 7 - QUINTA SÉRIE - FORMATA WORD
Quem comeu o X-burger que estava no freezer? 3. O DJ tocou vários tipos de músicas , reggae, rap, Techno e até jazz. Ok, pode ficar com meu skate. Recebi um e-mail. LESSON ONE THE ALPHABET Pratique a leitura do alfabeto em inglês. T. DVD 9. FBI 10. L. A 11. Bill Anderson. What´s your name? Cathy: Hello! M name is Cathy. Cathy Smith. Bill: My Surname is Smith too. Attention !! BILL ANDERSON SMITH First Name Middle Name Last Name Exercises 01. Cathy: Nice to meet you, Brenda. Leonardo: This is my brother. His name´s Alex. Sean: Hi, Alex. Complete os dialogos das apresentações assim: a) Kate apresenta Meg a Sheila. b) This is my sister. name´s Lucy. c) This is my brother. name´s Robert. d) This is my friend.
a) Minha bicicleta é amarela. b) Qual o nome dele? _____________________________ c) Qual o nome dela? _____________________________ d) Esta é minha familia. e) Esta camisa é vermelha. f) Este é meu pai. g) Boa tarde. b) Qual é o nome dele? _____________________________ c) Qual é o nome dela? _____________________________ d) Esta é minha família. e) Esta camisa é vermelha. f) Este é meu pai. g) Boa Tarde! _____________________________ h) Obrigada! De nada. _____________________________ i) Este homem é meu amigo. electrician 3. artist 4. farmer 5. policeman 6. actor 7. umbrela 18. engineer 19. singer 20. pink bycicle 21. family 22. pencil case 6. pencil 7. chair 8. window 9. book 10. Para indicar pessoa ou coisa Singular Plural Perto This These Longe That Those Exercises 01. Complete with this our these: a) _______________________ is a pencil. b) _______________________ are books. c) _______________________Is my family d) _______________________are my friends e) _______________________are teachers. f) _______________________ is a ball. b) That is a elephant. are elephants. c) That is a monkey.
are monkeys d) This is my friend. are my friends. aquela pe uma garota bacana). Plural (estes, estas) These These trouser are expensives (Estas calças são caras). aqueles, aquelas) Those Those boys are good students. Aqueles meninos são bons estudantes). • Review 01. a) A b) an c) this 04. My Mother is _________teacher. a) A b) an c) that 05. “This ball is yellow”. No Plural: a)This balls are yellows. She´s my mother. This is Bart. He isn´t m friend. He´s my brother. This is Maggie. She is _________________________. c) Maggie isn´t her mother. She ___________________________. d) Bart isn´t her father. He ______________________________; Grammar Topic Personal Pronouns • Pronomes Pessoais (do Caso Reto) I eu You tu, você Singular He ele (pessoa masculino) She ela (pessoa feminino ) It ele, ela (coisa ou animal) We Nós Plural You vós, vocês They eles, elas( pessoas,coisas, animais) • Os pronomes pessoais do caso reto são aqueles que têm a função de sujeito na frase, portando vindo antes do verbo.
Exercises 01. Complete as frases abaixo com os pronomes retos he, she ou it: a) ___________ is a boy. b) ___________ is my mother. c) ___________ is a girl. d) ___________ is my father. Pratique os pronomes pessoais que estão entre parênteses escrevendo-os em inglês. a) ________ am Braziliam. Eu) b) ________ is Mike Smith. Ele) c) ________ are fine. nós) d) What color is that ball ? _____ is green. c) ____________ is my father. d) ____________ am sad. e) ____________ isn´t m sister. f) ____________ am happy. g) ____________ are tired and hungry. is m father. f) _____ is my mother. name is Ann. LESSON TEN Grammar Topic To Be • Affirmative Form O verbo to be em português significa ser ou estar. Veja como se conjuga este verbo no presente na forma, afirmativa. c) She is beautiful. d) We are hungry.
e) I am tall. f) We are rich. g) She is beautiful. j) They _____ in a restaurant. • Interrogative Form (Forma Interrogativa) Ao fazermos uma pergunta com o verbo to be, invertemos a posição do sujeito com a do verbo. Observe este anuncio de emprego e complete associando as sentenças do grupo A com as do grupo B: Are ou over 18/ Are you dnamic? Are you interested in nature? YES ? GOOD? We want you as tour guide ! TOUR GUIDE ASSOCIATED Call Mary 561 98 63 A a) Tipo de emprego ofereciddo; b) Caracteristicaas que a pessoa precisa ter para conseguir o emprego; c) Empresa que oferece o emprego; d) Forma de contato com a empresa. B ( ) Gostar de natureza. ter mais de 20 anos ( ) Tour Guides Associated ( ) Ter leitura dinâmica ( ) Guia turístico ( ) Telefonar para Mary (561 98 63) ( ) ter mais de 18 anos ( ) ser associado a algum clube ecológico.
LESSON ELEVEN • Negative Form (Forma Negativa) Para se forma a negativa do presente tense de to be basta colocar a palavra not (= não) depois do verbo. Assim: Afirmativa – He is a teacher. Negativa – He is not a teacher. Full Form Contracted Form I am Not You are not He is not She is note It is not We are not You are not They are not I´m not You aren´t He isn´t She isn´t It isn´t We aren´t You aren´t They aren´t Exercises 01. Reescreva as sentenças abaixo na forma negative. No , he isn´t. a) Is M. r Brown a dentis? Yes, _______________________________ b) Are you a student? Yes, _______________________________ c) Is your father a taxi driver? Yes, _______________________________ d) Are Bill and Paul at home? Yes, ______________________________ e) Is she tired? Yes, _______________________________ f) Is Sam at school ? Yes, _______________________________ g) Is Peter hungry? Yes, _______________________________ h) Are Margareth and Sheila Happy? Yes, _______________________________ i) Are you Students/ Yes, _______________________________ j) Is that woman a nurse ? Yes, _______________________________ k) Is that your brother? Tests Escolha a alternative que melhor complete a sentença.
I ___________ thirsty. a) Is b) Are c) Am 09. That is my friend Juliana. father is a pilot a) Her b) His c) Is 15. A forma interrogative de “He is an actor ” é: a) He isn´t na actor. b) Is he an actor? c) He is an actor? 16. “Eu não estou com sede” Em inglês correto: a) I not am thirsty b) I´m not thirsty. Where are my jeans( are under bed)? They are not in the closet 01. Complete usando on ou under, observando o texto. a) His socks are _________ the chair. b) His balls is ______ the desk. c) His book is ______ the desk. Your Sister is tall. Tua irmã é alta His mother is blonde. A mãe dele é loira. Her name is Mariana. O nome dela é Mariana. nickname is Bob.
b) This is my sister, _______ name is Angela. c) That is Paul, ________ father is an important businessman. d) My brother and I are Brazilian. Country is Brazil. f) Fred and I are friends. mother are friends too. Complete com os adjetivos possessivos. a) It´s ______ bike. minha) b) They´re ___________trousers. e) (He, his) Family is big. f) (You, Your) Blouse is green. g) (Their, they) House is white. LESSON THIRTEEN Cardinal Numbers Leia estes numerous cardinais em inglês. ONE 2. TWELVE 13. THIRTEEN 14. FOURTEEN 15. FIFTEEN 16. SIXTEEN 17. Curitiba is famous for its immense green area. It is really a nice city to visit. Come to Curitiba ! Vocabulary City - ________________________________ There are -____________________________ Squares -______________________________ Churches _______________________________ Really - _______________________________ Come to - _____________________________ Responda o que existe e o que não existe na sua cidade.
Siga os exemplos: Is there a stadium in your city? Yes, there is. No, there isn´t Are there two airports? Yes, there are. Examples There is a big park in my city. Há um grande parquet em minha cidade. There are six big parks in my city. Há seis grandes parques em minha cidade. Exercise Complete with there is or there are correctly a) ___________ seven days in a week. l) _________many trees in that garden. m) ____________a teacher here. n) In Curitiba ____________ a good transportation system. o) ____________famous beaches like Copacabana Ipanema in Rio. • Interrogative Form Para e fazer uma pergunta com there is ou there are, faz- se a inversão das duas palavras. b) There is a doctor in the hospital. c) There is a umbrella under the desk.
d)There is a bike in the garage. Change to the negative form; a) There is an old church in our city. b) There is a picture on the wall. UNDER debaixo, embaixo, sob. BEHIND Atrás de IN FRONT OF Em frente de BETWEEN Entre (duas coisas) NEAR -> Perto. Exercises 01. Escreva sentenças sobre a gravura. a) (Allen/between) ______________________________________ b) (Jaque/ in front of ) __________________________________________ c) (Mike /Behind ) __________________________________________ d) (Ali/ Behind ) ___________________________________________ e) (Maria/ Between) ___________________________________________ Vocabulary Study The Days of the Week. April (Apr. May(May. June (Jun. July(Jul. August (Aug,) ________________________________ September(Sep. f) On Mondays, Tuesdays , Thursdays and Fridays there are ____________classes. g) Only on Fridays there is a __________class. h) The Science classes are on ___________, ________ anda ________. TESTS Mark an X in the correct alternative. It´s very cold in __________________________.
Between June and August there is…. a) May b) Juny c) July 24. Carnival is in: a)November b)September c) February 25. Between Monday and Wednesday is ___________. a)Sunday b) Thursday c) Tuesday 26. He´s from Brazil. Exercises 01. Relacione as perguntas com seus correspondents em português: 1) Who´s that girl? A) O que é aquilo? 2) What´s that? B) Quem é aquela garota? 3) Who´s he? C) Quem é ela? 4) Who´s she? D) Quem é ele? Leia os diálogos. • I. Where´s My Girlfriend? Bill: Where´s my girlfriend? Sue: She´s in the club. Juan: Why? Bill: My Girlfriend …look. Namorada do Bill falando com um rapaz). Após ler os três diálogos, podemos concluir o quê? Marque a opção certa com um X. a) Sue e Bill são namorados; b) Juan namora Sue e Bill está com ciúmes; c) Bill está triste mas não sabe porque; d) A namorada de Bill está com outro.
QUESTION-WORDS (Palavras Interrogativas) São palavras usadas no inicio de perguntas. • HOW OLD: Que Idade Example: How Old are ou? I´m 16. Quants anos você tem? Tenho 16. Exercises 01. Complete the sentences with the right “Question Words”. a) ______________ Is your favorite sport? It´s soccer. He´s famous movie star. a) Where b) Why c) Who 02. is he from ? He´s from the United States. a) What b) Who c) Where 03. is she? She´s Twenty. b) International Star. c) In the club. Pratique completando os itens. Pattern: A: How old is he? B: He is Seven. A: How old are they? B: ___________ Three. • Responda sobre o diálogo: 01. O que Peter quer saber sobre Ann? ______________________________________________________________________________ 02. Descubra os Significados das Palavras e expressões no diálogo e relacione as colunas: (A) Slowly ( ) e (B) And ( ) ou (C) Or ( ) aqui (D) Here ( ) de novo (E) Here ( ) devagar (F) Please say it Again ( ) Estados Unidos (G) The States ( ) por favor (H) Address ( ) rua (I) Street ( ) endereço (J) Say It Again ( ) diga de novo VOCABULARY STUDY 1.
Street Wall Street // Ted Lee 609 Maple Street Chicago 2. Road Lakeview ROAD 3. a) What´s Claudia´s Phone number? _______________________________ b) What´s John´s Address? _______________________________ c) What´s John´s Phone number? _______________________________ d) What´s Anna´s Phone number? _______________________________ e) What´s Claudia´s address? ________________________________ f) What´s your address? ________________________________ LESSON 3 VOCABULARY STUDY Escreva em português o significado dos verbos apresentados abaixo. Todos estão no infinitivo. To swim : ___________________ To Fly :_____________________ To Run: ____________________ To jump :____________________ To Fish:_____________________ To Sing:____________________ To Work:____________________ To Climb:____________________ Grammar Infinitive O infinitivo é um verbo ainda não conjugado, ou seja , é o verbo na sua forma original. Em português sabemos que um verbo está no infinitivo quando o mesmo terminar em:. ar,. Vajamos alguns exemplos INFINITIVO IMPERATIVO To work : trabalhar Work: trabalhe to run: correr Run: corra to study: estudar Study: estude • Sua forma negativa é feita usando-se DON´T (= não) antes do verbo.
Note: DON´T GO = Não Vá. Ou não vão) DON´T TALK = Não converse. ou não conversem) DON´T CRY = Não chore. ou não chorem) • Quando você quiser fazer um convite, incluindo-se neste convite, use LET´S (= Vamos ) diante do verbo. f) Help ( ) Me ! g) Drink ( ) Your Milk. Match the columns. a) Don´t Cut ( ) late b) Don´t drive ( ) my car c) Don´t Write ( ) left. d) Don´t wash ( ) in the river e) Don´t come ( ) the cake f) Don´t swim ( ) on this table g) Don´t turn ( ) the cat 03. Match the columns. RESUMINHO Imperativo Let´s Afirmativo Call Now. Ligue Agora) Please Call now (por favor ligue agora) Let´s call now. Vamos ligar agora. Negativo Don´t forget. Não esqueça.
c) Fish and Cereal. “Vamos descansar”. Em inglês correto fica: a) Go to rest. b) Let´s take a rest c) Lets go to bed. “Não perturbe”. Para Substantivos que terminarem em consoante + Y, muda-se Y para I e acrescenta-se ES. Examples: Lady dama,senhora – ladies damas,senhoras Baby bebê – babies bebês 4. Caso o substantivo termine em VOGAL + Y, segue-se a regra geral. Examples: Toy brinquedo toys brinquedos Day dia - days dias 5. Alguns substantivos terminados em F ou FE mudam para VES no plural. Os principais são: Man homem -Men homens Woman mulher -Women mulheres Child Criança - Children crianças Mouse rato,camundongo -Mice ratos Foot pé - feet pés Tooth dente - teeth Ox boi -Oxen bois DON´T FORGET ! A man (1) , Two men (2) A woman (1) , Two Women (2) A child (1) , Two Children (2) Exercises 01.
Give the plural of: a) Ball - _________________________ b) Bus - _________________________ c) Toy - _________________________ d) Church - ______________________ e) Family- _______________________ f) Baby - ________________________ g) Library -_______________________ h) Island -_______________________ i) Dictionary-_____________________ j) Key-_________________________ k) Party-________________________ l) Watch-_______________________ m) Knife-________________________ n) City-_________________________ o) Life-__________________________ p) Hat-__________________________ q) Dress-________________________ r) Kiss-_________________________ s) Story-________________________ t) Hobby-_______________________ u) Room-________________________ 02. Passe os substantivos abaixo para o plural: a) Kilo-______________________ b) Ox-_______________________ c) Half-______________________ d) Wife-______________________ e) Thief-_____________________ f) Woman-___________________ g) Child-_____________________ h) Hero-_____________________ i) Mouse-____________________ j) Foot-______________________ k) Wolf-______________________ 03. Complete the sentence with the correct words: a) Schumacher and Pelé are famous __________(man/men). b) These are Brazilian _____________(girl/girls). Mickey and Minnie are ___________. a) Mouse/mouses b) Mouse/mices c) Mouse/mice 18. There are thirty-two___________in our month. a) tooth b) teeth c)tooths 19. The plural of “Ox” is: a) Oxs b) Oxes c) Oxen 20.
c) There´s a Stories in these books. “Whats in that” in the plural form: a) Whats that´s? b) What are these? c) What are those? LESSON 7 GRAMMAR Ordinal Numbers Os numerous ordinais como o proprio nome diz, indica “ordem”. • Quando um numero em inglês estiver acrescido da terminação “th”, significa que esse número está em sua forma ordinal. Observe estes exemplos: Números Cardinais Números Ordinais Seven (Sete) Seventh(Sétimo) Tem (Dez) Tenth(Décimo) • Os únicos que não terminam em “th” são os números “primeiro, segundo e terceiro”, formados por palavras totalmente diferentes em comparação aos números cardinais. Vejamos os exemplos abaixo: Números Cardinais Números Ordinais One(um) First(Primeiro) Twon(Dois) Second(Segundo) Veja a relação dos números ordinais em inglês de 1º.
nd = 2 nd (_______________) 3+ rd = 3rd (_________________) 4+th = 4th(_____________) 03. Escreva por extensor. Siga o modelo. a) Jan. st, News Years Day, :__January First b) Feb. b) Sally é a segunda namorada de Joe. Sally is Joe´s ____________ girlfriend. c) Por favor, sit on the______ desk, not on the____________. d) O nono mês do ano é setembro. The _________month of the year is September. TEXT STUDY What time is it? Bob- Quick, Fred. We´re late! Fred- What time Is the game? Billy- At nine Fred. Fred- What time is now? Billy - It´s 8:30. We are very late. Fred- But i´m not ready. M(ante meridiem) : Periodo que compreende entre a meia noite e o meio –dia. Example: It´s Seven a. m (São sete da manhã). • P. M (post meridiem): Periodo que compreende entre meio-dia e meia-noite.
As diversas Maneiras de se Dizer as Horas It´s three o´clock p. m. a. m) 03:00 It´s three o´clock sharp. It´s three p. It´s three-thirty p. m It´s three-thirty. It´s fifteen minutes to four. It´s fifteen to four. It´s three-forty-five. Ou It´s a quarter past eight. É “um quarto passado das oito”, isto é, são oito quinze. Pratique mais um pouco. What time is ti? Escreva por extenso uma segunda forma de dizer as horas. a) 7:15 It´s Seven-fifteen ou It´s- _________________________________ b) It´s a quarter past six Ou It´s -___________________________________ c) It´s five-fifteen Ou It´s -___________________________________ d) It´s a quarter past-two Ou It´s -___________________________________ Observe agora as horas a seguir que não são nem meias horas, nem quartos de hora.
A. It´s thrre forty B. It´s three fifteen. C. It´s three forty-five. C. It´s four thirty. A. It´s seven fifteen. B. Como você leria estes horários? Faça as associações: A 11:25 B 10:50 C07:45 D 04:30 ( ) Six forty-five /A quarter to seven ( ) Nine fifty / Ten to ten. Eleven twenty-five. Four thirty /half past four. Leia este horário agendado e complete as frases. Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Concert 1 P. e) As aulas de inglês serão nas ______e __________ às _____. Tests Mark the correct option. Complete: It´s twelve o´clock. It´s noon. Time for ___________________. b) No, she ins´t. c) No,they aren´t. The game is at 8 a. m. a) O jogo é ás 20 horas. It´s a beautiful morning today. Its is not raining now.
Its half past eleven in the morning and I am stading in from of buckinghan palace. It is the queem home in the London. There are a lot of tourists here. Veja sua formação: SUJEITO – VERBO SUJEITO - VERBO Em inglês Em português I am working Eu estou trabalhando Geralmente são acompanhados das expressões> • Now (agora) • At presente (no momento) • At this moment (neste momento) Observe a conjugação do verbo “to eat” (comer) no Present continuous Tense: SUJEITO AM VERBO PRINCIPAL COM “ING” I am eating(eu estou comendo) You are eating(Você está comendo) He is eating(Ele está comendo) She is eating (Ela está comendo) It is eating(Ele ou ela está comendo) We are eating (Nós estamos comendo) You are eating (Vocês estão comendo) They are eating (Eles ou elas estão comendo) • Contract Form(Forma abreviada) I´m eating You´re eating He´s Eating She´s Eating It´s Eating We´re Eating You´re Eating They´re Eating Negative Form Negative Form (Contracted Form) Negative form (Contracted Form II) I am not Eating I´m not Eating I´m not Eating You are not Eating You´re not Eating You aren´t Eating He is not Eating He´s not Eating He isn´t Eating She is not Eating She´s not Eating She isn´t Eating It is not Eating It´s not Eating It isn´t Eating We are not Eating We´re not Eating We aren´t Eating You are not Eating You´re not Eating You aren´t Eating They are not Eating They ´re not Eating They aren´t Eating Interrogative form Am I Eating…? Are you Eating….
Is he Eating…? She is Eating…? Is it Eating…. Are we Eating…? Are you Eating…? Are they Eating…? Observações importantes quando acrescentamons ING aos verbos: • Se o verbo terminar em E perde o E e recebe o ING. Example: To Dance (Dançar) dancing(Dançando) • Se o verbo terminar em Y, acrescentar o ING, normalmente: Example: To fly (voar) Flying(voando) • Se o verbo for de uma silaba formado por consoante-vogal-consoante, dobra-se a consoante final ao acrescentar ING: Example: To Run (correr) Running(corrend) • O mesmo acontece com os verbos de mais de uma silaba terminados por consoante-vogal-consoante, sendo esta ultima uma silaba forte (tônica). Example: To control(Controlar) Controlling(Controlando) Exercises 01. b) We _______ watching a film. c) The boys ________doing their homework. d) Mr. White _______writing a letter at this moment.
e) You are ______ running. a) Paul is reading a book now. b) They are eating meat today. c) She is playing the guitar now. d) He is writing a post card at this moment. e) I am jogging now. John is Cindy´s grandfather. Elizabeth is Cindy´s grandmother. GRAMMAR Possesive Case • Formação : possuidor + ´s + o que é possuido. Example: Richard´s grandfather. O avô de Richard. c) Jack´s Hair is brown. d) Camila´s shirt s green. e) Sara´s watch is black. f) My uncle´s cap is white. g) Your sister´s shoes are red. Kate Walberg is a famous singer. She is 22 years old and her birthday is on October 17 th. Her eyes and hair are brow. She is very tall. She is from New Jersey but her current residence is 82 Lasky Drive, Beverly Hills.
A) arm B) ear C) Finger D) Handle 3. A) Leg B)Thigh C)Neck D) Knee 4. A) Heel B) Foot C) Heart D) Ankle GRAMMAR Simple Present Tense (Affirmative Form) Para explicarmos o “Simple Present Tense”, Vejamos antes o “infinitivo”. O infinitivo é um verbo ainda não conjugado, ou seja, é o verbo na sua forma original. É o nome do verbo. Ele/ela We. Nós You. vós , vocês They. eles/elas • I (Eu) é sempre escrito com letra maiúscula. • He(Ele) refere-se alguém do sexo masculino. To brush = escovar) Exemplo de um fato ou uma verdade: Birds Fly. Os pássaros voam. To Fly = voar) Como geralmente o Simple Present descreve ações habituais (a rotina, o dia-a-dia) é comum o uso de certos termos que denotam isto. Estude alguns deles: Advérbios Always Sempre Never Nunca Often Frequentemente Sometimes às vezes Seldon raramente Locuções adverbiais Every day todo dia Every week toda semana Every month Todo mÊs Every Year Todo ano.
• Os advérbios geralmente são usados antes do verbo principal. The cards usually have a picture of a cupid or a red heart with an arrow, and the words: "I love you". Some cards show a girl with her eyes in the shape of a heart. People can also give Valentine gifts: a book of poems or a box of chocolate in the shape of a heart. COMPREHENSION 01. Answer the questions: a) What do you think Valentine's day is? ______________________________________________________________________________________ b) What do we usually see on Valentine cards? _____________________________________________________________________________________ c) What presents do people give on Valetine's Day? _____________________________________________________________________________________ 02. Are these statements TRUE or FALSE? Write True or False. TOMORROW IS SATURDAY. True 1. Next month is july. Last month was August. Can you play tennis? Nancy: Yes, a little. Can you? Carla: Yes.
Let's play on saturdays, O. k. Nancy: Yes, o. COMPREHENSION 01. Carla is probably a) Healthy. b) Unhealthy. Nancy exercises. a) Frequently b) Rarely. FOOD - Breakfast: Ham toast cheese milk lemonade jam avocado bread watermelon butter water hrapes coffee eggs juice tea - Lunch or dinner: rice fishe roast beef steak soup corn potatoes beet cabbage beans pizza cucumbers chichen tomatoes peas carrots - Dessert: pudding ice cream candies pear apple strawberries pineapple pear peach papaya orange banana EXERCISES O1. Mark with an X what you like: Yes No Spaghetti Pizza Grapes Tea Steak Juice Lettuce Tomatoes Potatoes Carrots Hamburger Pears Soda Cucumbers Milk Pineapples Peaches Melons Strawberries Cake 02. Complete the chart: Vegetables Meat Fruit Drink GRAMMAR CAN - verbo "poder" O que você deve notar em relação ao verbo CAN (poder): • Há dois sentidos nesse verbo.
Significa "capacidade", "habilidade" I can play the piano. Posso / sei tocar piano Significa "permissão". The cannot ride. Observe a forma negativa: Cannot (não vá escrever can not). Veja como é feito o negativo contraído: Can't. O passado de can é could (podia) EXERCISES 01. Faça o interrogativo: She can see that star. b) The studants can translate this sentence. c) You can wait for the bus. d) They can understand English. Can you: a) Swim? b) Jog? c) Play tennis d) Play volleyball? e) Camp? f) Fish? Responda, considerando as palavras acima, as coisas que você sabe ou não fazer. EX: Can you swim? a) Yes, i can ou NO, I can't. About the text: Again ________________________________ Almost _______________________________ Cans _________________________________ Cardboard ____________________________ Carefully ______________________________ Glass bottles ___________________________ Goods ________________________________ Household ____________________________ Jars __________________________________ Maybe _______________________________ Packed food ___________________________ Pick up _______________________________ Saved ________________________________ Things ________________________________ Throw away ___________________________ Today ________________________________ 02.
Find in the text the following expressions: Por exemplo ___________________________ Cada ano _____________________________ Quarenta e seis bilhões _____________________________________ Uma em cada quinze _____________________________________ Papel reciclado _________________________ Cinquenta por cento _____________________________________ Trinta por cento ________________________ Ano passado ___________________________ Aluminio reciclado ______________________ Feito de ______________________________ Quem sabe ____________________________ Muitas coisas __________________________ Da próxima vez ________________________ COMPREHENSION 01. Today many things are: a) Thrown away b) used again. c) used only once d) never used. Almost 50% of all aluminium cans com from: a) Recycled paper. If the cardboard is gray, it is probably made from: a) Food. b) Aluminium. c) Recycled newspaper. d) Recycled aluminium. GRAMMER MUCH - MANY / LITTLE - FEW • Much = muito, muita É usado com palavras incontáveis (uncoyntable words). • MUCH, LITTLE São empregados antes de substantivos incontáveis. São exemplos de substantivos incontáveis: Cheese ham jelly soda water Substantivos contáveis são os que podem ser separados e contados um a um, em unidades.
Por isso, têm forma de singular e de plural: • MANY, FEW São empregados antes de substantivos contáveis. São exemplos de substantivos contáveis: Crackers coockies pies sandwiches • MUCH E MANY São mais utilizados em orações interrogativas e negativas. • A LOT OF É mais utilizado em orações afirmativas, tanto com substantivos contáveis como com incontáveis. d) I have ___________ yellow shirts because i don't like that color. e) I'm not going to the club this weekend, but ____________ of my friends are. Fill in with few or little. a) He sells ____________ CDs every year. b)Does she drink _____________ milk in the morning? c)They don't put ___________ sugar in their tea. a) We don't have ___________ rice in the house. b) Are you going to buy ___________things at macy's? c) Jane doesn't eat ___________vegetables.
GRAMMAR INTERROGATIVE WORDS • How much / how many How much Só pode ser usado com substantivos incontáveis. Significa quanto, quanta. EXAMPLES: How much coffee do you drink? Quanto café você toma? How much sugar is there? Quanto açúcar tem? How many Só pode ser usado com substantivos contáveis. Complete these sentences eith how much or how many: a) ___________ classes do you have today? b) ___________ tim do you need? c) ___________ studants are absent today? d) ___________ eggs can joe eat? e) ___________ is a ham sandwich? f) ___________ CDs do you have? g) ___________ tea does she drink a day? h) ___________ blue pens do you have? i) ___________ dollas do you need? j) ___________ wine is there in the bottle? 03. Complete the questions. Use how much or how many. HOW MANY sandwiches can you eat? a) ___________ fruit juice do we have? b) ___________ postcards are you going to write? c) ___________ pencils are there in this bag? d) ___________ bread do we have? e) ___________ rice do you want? TESTS Choose the best option.
Can you swim well? a) Yes, i do. c)Just a little. There aren't ____________ cakes and crakers. a) Much. b) A lot of. c) Many. b) Lettuce. c) Ice cream. Mark the alternative where all the words are related to vegetables. a) carrot - tomato - cabbage - strawberry b) Potato - tomato - lettuce - rice c) Pear - beet - carrot - cucumber UNIT 4 A GIGANTIC EXPLOSION In 1883, there was and island in Indonesesia called krakatpa, and on the island there was an enormous volcano. On august 27th, there were four gigantic explosions. There was volcano on the island called krakatoa ( ) There were five explosion on august 27th. There were exactly thirty-six thousand deaths. There were more than thirty-six thousand deaths. GRAMMAR "THERE TO BE (haver)" Present Past There is a fish in this can.
There was a fish in this can. b) ___________ a yellow car in front of the house. c) ___________ some questions on the blackboard. d) ___________ an umbrella under my desk. e) ___________ four girls playing outside. THERE WAS OR THER WERE? a) ___________ a fish on the plate.
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