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Documento 1

Educational Technology History. I. Web 1. II. Web 2. VIII. Bibliography. Reflections on digital technology in the educational process. The study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using, and managing appropriate technological processes and resources. – Ichey, R. I. Educational Technology History Educative technology had its origin as a camp of study in 1940, the first reference in the formative field are the courses designed for military experts supported by audiovisual equipment, taught during the II World War. As a subject, the educational technology arises in the study of Audiovisual education at Indiana University in 1946, aggregating the use of audiovisual technologies to optimize the teaching field. In the 1950s, educational psychology became crucial as a field of development of educational tools, allying the use of technology to the techniques offered.

The 1960s, advancement in the communications media, development, prompted by the implementation of TV and radio in everyday life, led to a review of how information was exchanged, leading to transformation "in social customs, the way of doing politics, in the economy, in marketing, in information, in journalism as well as in education. I. Web 1. It is the Internet as it originated—static content sites with low interactivity of internet users and several directories links. Growing from its military and university roots, the Internet began to evolve and take on the form of people to meet their needs, with the emails, simple sites, and searches with little results. The e-learning tools in the Web 1. The Web is a collective software (Beldarrain, 2006), where there is a group interaction and greater accessibility to users, allowing teacher-apprentice and learner-apprentice exchange to be established.

Web 2. revolutionizes e-learning, making what used to be one-way teaching, with classes taught by radio, television, and computer, into a two-way education, enabling other users to comment, ask and contribute to the content provided. Academic research can be developed with collaboration and interaction of several individuals and institutions in remote locations, accelerating the process of result in essential issues to society. Since the emergence of these new technologies, their use in education has reinforced the new learning experiences. Negrila, A. M. C. n. d. The Learning Management system is defined by the incorporation of several means, different languages, and assets, allowing for the possibility of using alternative technologies and displaying data in an organized structure in such a way as to accomplish its primary objective, which is building knowledge through interactivity.

LMS can also enhance the learning experience by supplying automated and customizable educational assessments that can be individual commenced and managed (Coates et al. Blackboard Learning System, Share-Point, Learning Management Suite, Sakai, and Moodle are the most knows software for commercial use in the e-learning process. V. MOOCs One of the phenomena of the digital century in education are the MOOCs, Massive Open Online Courses, are already offered by 1000 universities (Mooc. There is nothing mandatory, and each person provides and develops under his own needs, insights, and requirements. VI. Advantages & Disadvantages Technology arises intending to make education, often limited to a public with financial power, in a content accessible and versatile to all, in which the student proves the freedom in means and ways to adapt the process of study to their daily lives.

Web 2. has brought the student a possibility to engage in group interaction and with the instructor, providing an environment for the exchange of useful information for the access of education and the development of technologies that support the development of educative platforms. has brought opportunities for student and teacher interaction. In contrast, the LMS has enabled the student to administer all its content on a computer screen, MOOCs have provided high-quality content to individuals who did not possess the financial resources to purchase this knowledge in the classrooms. It is conceivable that the establishment of the Web 2. brought to technology and interchangeability, that provides an accessible form of education, compared to a world without technological features, in which limited resources were available, the educative systems brought a world 7 of possibilities on a screen, autonomy, knowledge to a single click coming from the most prestigious universities of the world.

Disadvantages related to technological progress, unequal distribution of knowledge and the access to technology, are a matter for the government and the schools to be in charge, providing an implementation of courses, for students and teachers, a system that professionals do not get dismissed, or unskilled students repeat, one that adapts technology in order to walk together in favor of the teaching and education. br/historia-da-tecnologia-naeducacao/> [Accessed 5 May 2020]. Blog Educação a Distância. Web 2. Educar 2. E Pensar 2. Delaney, 2020. What Is Web 3. Really, And What Does It Mean For Education?. online] Technology Solutions That Drive Education. Available at: <https://edtechmagazine. Available at: <https://www. learntechlib. org/p/133282/> [Accessed 5 May 2020]. TD | O ecossistema da Transformação Digital. Transformação Digital E O Crescimento Das Plataformas Digitais: Criando Valor De Forma Exponencial - TD | O Ecossistema Da Transformação Digital.

As Possibilidades Da Educação Não Formal Nos Moocs. online] Available at: <https://periodicos. fclar. unesp. br/iberoamericana/article/view/10293> [Accessed 5 May 2020]. M. Tecnologia e ensino presencial e a distância. Campinas, SP: Papirus, 2003 9 2020. REVIEW OF LITERATURE. ebook] shodhganga, p. Redes de aprendizaje: guia para enseÒanza y el aprendizaje en red. Barcelona: Gedisa, 2000.

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