Como para criar os seus próprios vídeos de produtos

Tipo de documento:Redação

Área de estudo:Administração

Documento 1

Then if you choose, you can also re-purpose the video by stripping out the audio and selling that as a product, as well as packaging the transcriptions into an ebook or breaking them up into articles and blog posts. And if you're making a series of videos, you can even turn them into an entire course or membership site. What kind of camera do you need? You can go with an expensive model, but in the beginning I advocate saving your money and using a fairly decent camera that doesn't set you back several hundred dollars. After all, what's truly important is the content of your videos, not that you have Hollywood quality film making (you're not going to achieve that level anyway!) You can haunt your favorite office store and simply pick up an economical camera there.

Or you can use the one built into your computer. Next, discuss the problem. Is your video on how to get traffic? Then the problem fairly obvious – no traffic = no sales. Is your product on skincare? Talk about the trials and tribulations (which are very real) of having bad skin. Let them know that you are a lot like them. You had the same problem and you went through some tough times before you solved the problem. For example, the old way of dealing with acne was x, y and z. But now we know better. In fact the latest scientific research shows us that those solutions were about as effective as chanting naked under a full moon compared with your new solution. No one likes to be associated with the "old way," and so this simply reinforces the fact that they scored a home run when they got your product.

Finally, you're going to get into the meat of the product. If you have a Mac, then you'll be using 7 iMovie. Of course you can also purchase professional software such as Adobe. But in the beginning, there's really no need since the software you already have on your laptop is probably more than you'll need. How about editing tips? First, keep it simple. Sure there are all kinds of fancy tricks you can use in your videos, but to look truly professional you want to keep it simple. The title slide has the title of the video with your name on it. You might also include what's in the video on that slide or a second slide. The back slide is either the same as the title slide, or it has the addition of your website URL.

This little step goes a long way towards making your video look truly professional. NOTE: If at any time any of this sounds out of your league, you can either read the software instructions, Google it, or simply get someone else to do it. There is no such thing as perfection, so don't even try to attain it you'll go nuts if you do. I know a guy who recorded the same 20 minute video 11 times trying to get it just perfect. Know what his best take was? The second one. The next nine were a complete waste of time and a source of tremendous frustration. And just so you know – the second video was only barely 10 better than the first. I once sat through a twenty minute speech in which I heard 281 umms, errrs and ahhhs.

Yes, I 11 counted them. It was the longest 20 minutes of my entire life. The culprit? A local elected official who was (thankfully) kicked out of office by a landslide majority vote prior to the expiration of her first term. Was she thrown out of office because of her umm's, err's and ahh's? I know it didn't help her, that's for certain. If you take identical products and make one physical and one an electronic download, the physical product will - 9 times out of 10 – have a lower refund rate because people are lazy. They don't want to hassle with sending the DVD back to get the refund. Also, serial refunders are less likely to order in the first place because they know they'll have to return the DVD to qualify for the refund.

You choose the cover art for your product. And you can order in bulk if you prefer to do your own shipping or sell them at seminars. It. Submit it to Kunaki and get your free demo copy. It's 14 kinda cool (okay, it's a blast!) getting your hands on your first real, tangible product. And don't get tremendously hung up about the quality of this first product. That's not as important as GETTING YOUR FIRST VIDEO PRODUCT CREATED.

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