Tipo de documento:TCC

Área de estudo:Enfermagem

Documento 1

METODOLOGIA. RESULTADOS E DISCUSSÃO. CONSIDERAÇÕES FINAIS. REFERÊNCIAS. O USO DA HIPOTERMIA TERAPÊUTICA PÓS-PARADA CARDIORRESPIRATÓRIA EM UNIDADES DE TERAPIA INTENSIVA THE USE OF THERAPEUTIC HYPOTHERMIA AFTER CARDIORRESPIRATORY STOP IN INTENSIVE THERAPY UNITS EL USO DE LA HIPOTERMIA TERAPÉUTICA POST PARADA CARDIORRESPIRATORIA EN UNIDADES DE TERAPIA INTENSIVA Paula1, Thalyta Cristina Costa Resumo – Nos últimos anos, a hipotermia vem sendo utilizada na terapêutica pós-PCR em adultos. Due to relevant neurological damage, HT is considered to be one of the first in-hospital interventions to have clinical efficacy in reducing post-CRP neurological sequelae. Known since the mid-1940s, HT aims to protect brain tissue perfusion and reduce secondary injury through gradual cooling of the body. Objective: To understand the therapeutic method of hypothermia, to indicate its therapeutic capacity in the recovery of post-pcr patients and to determine the nursing care provided in this process.

Methodology: This is an integrative review of the bibliography with descriptive analysis of a qualitative approach. Results: It was identified in the study presented, that 90% of the authors claim that therapeutic hypothermia is an effective technique with regard to neuroprotection, and brings many benefits and quality of life after the patient submitted to it in intensive care units due to cardiopulmonary arrest. Consideraciones finales: Es bastante evidente que se hace necesario la elaboración de más estudios sobre esa técnica específica, y también la capacitación de los profesionales involucrados. Descriptores: Parada Cardiorrespiratoria, Hipotermia terapéutica, Intervenciones de enfermería.

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