Ensaio filosófico sobre Redução da Idade Penal (Em inglês)

Tipo de documento:Redação

Área de estudo:Filosofia

Documento 1

The subject in discussion talks exactly if the minors criminals (16 years old until a day before turn 18 years old) would be inserted in a educational establishment or in a penitentiary complex. This subject is completely inserted in our routine, because it results into the society in which we live in. THESIS STATEMENT Due to the fact that they can not be arrested, some adolescents are inducted by criminals to commit small crimes serving as: "mule" and drug delivery, because when they become 18 they will still have a clean criminal background. When a minor commits an infraction, he is sent to an educational establishment, where he receives a different attention compared to the prisoners from penitentiaries. They have access to psychological follow-up and also to schooling and professionalization. By negligence, the prisoners are infected by disease because bad conditions of habitation.

However this new system would be easier to control the quantity of prisoners, because it would be just the minors criminals, that means less prisoners. CONCLUSION Being related to teenagers initiating in the practice of crimes and being influence in their lives and their families. The reduction of criminal age demands a lot of discussions based in data and information capables to retract the real dimension of involvement of adolescents in high gravity crimes. Asserting that, the new system would conform a high probability without incidence. Câmara dos Deputados. Upload in 05/16/2013. camara. leg. br/atividade-legislativa/comissoes/comissoes-temporarias/especiais/55a-legislatura/pec-171-93-maioridade-penal/documentos/outros-documentos/documentos-e-estudos/nota-da-conferencia-nacional-dos-bispos-do-brasil-cnbb>.

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