Todas as questões de inglês do ENEM de 2010 a 2018

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Área de estudo:Finanças

Documento 1

But Doniece Sandoval has made it her mission to change that. The 51-year-old former marketing executive started Lava Mae, a sort of showers on wheels, a new project that aims to turn decommissioned city buses into shower stations for the homeless. Each bus will have two shower stations and Sandoval expects that they'll be able to provide 2,000 showers a week. ANDREANO, C. Disponível em : http:/abcnews. It voices my joys, my longings my Hopes. Kamala Das, 1965:10) GARGESH, R. South Asian Englishes. In: KACHRU, B. B. D demonstra consciência de sua identidade linguística. E reconhece a incompreensão na sua maneira de falar inglês. Questão 4 (Enem2018 caderno azul) TEXTO I A Free World-class Education for Anyone Anywhere The Khan Academy is an organization on a mission. We’re a not-for-profit with the goal of changing education for the better by providing a free world-class to anyone anywhere.

All of the site's resources are available to anyone. If your philosophy of education is “sit-and-get”, i. e. teaching is telling and learning is listening, then Khan Academy is way more efficient than classroom lecturing. Khan Academy does it better. But TRUE progressive educators, TRUE education visionaries and revolutionaries don't want to do these things better. No cartum, a crítica está no fato de a sociedade exigir do adolescente que A se aposente prematuramente. B amadureça precocemente. C estude aplicadamente. D se forme rapidamente. E ouça atentamente. Acesso em :19 nov. Questão 5 (Enem2018 caderno azul) 1984 (excerpt) Segundo informações veiculadas pela NBC News, a geração digital já tem seu espaço conquistado nas agências britânicas de inteligência. O governo britânico decidiu que ‘Is it your opinion, Winston, that the past has real existence?’ [.

O'Brien smiled faintly. ‘I will put it more precisely. Nineteen Eighty-Four. New York: Signet Classics, 1977. propriedade intelectual no Reino Unido. B abandonará a política de contratação de universitários como agentes secretos. agências de inteligência. Instead, she fully inhabited her own unique gifts, not particularly caring what other people thought. She was magnetic and beautiful in her own right. She painted for years, not to be a commercial success or to be discovered, but to express her own inner pain, joy, family, love and culture. She absolutely and resolutely was who she was. The trueness of her own unique vision and her ability to stand firmly in her own truth was what made her successful in the end. generation”. E recriar-se por meio da pintura. In an expansion of a pilot program, Foreign Secretary William Hague announced Thursday that up to 100 18-year-olds will be given the chance to train for a career in Britain’s secret services.

The move to recruit school-leavers marks a break with the past, when agencies mainly drew their staff from among university graduates. “Young people are the key to our country’s future success, just as they were during the War”, Hague said. And while a sense of adventure is required, most sites are safe and easily accessible. Most of all, Israel is about its incredibly diverse population. Jews come from all over the world to live here, while about 20% of the population is Muslim. Politics are hard to get away from in Israel as everyone has an opinion on how to move the country forward — with a ready ear you’re sure to hear opinions from every side of the political spectrum. isponível em: www. Questão 9( Enem2017 caderno branco) Letters Children and Guns Published: May 7, 2013 To the Editor: Re “Girl’s Death by Gunshot Is Rejected as Symbol” (news article, May 6): I find it abhorrent that the people of Burkesville, Ky.

are not willing to learn a lesson from the tragic shooting of a 2-year-old girl by her 5-year-old brother. I am not judging their lifestyle of introducing guns to children at a young age, but I do feel that it’s irresponsible not to practice basic safety with anything potentially lethal __ guns, knives, fire and so on. How can anyone justify leaving guns lying around, unlocked and possibly loaded, in a home with two young children? I wish the family of the victim comfort during this difficult time, but to dismiss this as a simple accident leaves open the potential for many more such “accidents” to occur. I hope this doesn’t have to happen several more times for legislators to realize that something needs to be changed. E apresenta aspectos gerais da cultura do país para continuar a atrair turistas estrangeiros.

Questão 11(Enem2016 caderno amarelo) Italian university switches to English By Sean Coughlan, BBC News education correspondent 16 May 2012 Last updated at 09:49 GMT Milan is crowded with Italian icons, which makes it even more of a cultural earthquake that one of Italy’s leading universities — the Politecnico di Milano — is going to switch to the English language. The university has announced that from 2014 most of its degree courses — including all its graduate courses — will be taught and assessed entirely in English rather than Italian. The waters of globalisation are rising around higher education — and the university believes that if it remains Italian-speaking it risks isolation and will be unable to compete as an international institution. “We strongly believe our classes should be international classes — and the only way to have international classes is to use the English language”, says the university’s rector, Giovanni Azzone.

ampliar a oferta de vagas na graduação para alunos estrangeiros. investir na divulgação da universidade no mercado internacional. substituir a língua nacional para se inserir no contexto da globalização. estabelecer metas para melhorar a qualidade do ensino de italiano. C desenvolvimento de uma tinta para produzir pele e tecido humanos finos. as manifestações culturais. o bem em relação ao mal. o respeito étnico. Questão 13 (Enem2016 caderno amarelo) Frankentissue: printable cell technology Disponível em: www. ct. It is BOGOF is used as a noun as in ‘there are some like printing tissue dot-by-dot. A drop of bio- ink contains 10,000 to 30,000 cells. The focus of much of this research is the eventual great bogofs on at the supermarket’ or an adjective, production of tailored tissues suitable for surgery, like living Band- usually with a word such as ‘offer’ or ‘deal’__ ‘there are some great bogof offers in store’.

Aids, which could be printed on the inkjet. When you combine the first letters of the words in a phrase or the name of an organisation, you have an However, it is still nearly impossible to effectively replicate nature’s ingenious patterns on a home office accessory. BOGOF is the best-know of the supermarket marketing strategies. The concept was fist imported from O texto relata perspectivas no campo da tecnologia para the USA during the 1970s recession, when food prices cirurgias em geral, e a mais promissora para este momento were very high. It came back into fashion in the late enfoca o(a) 1990s, led by big supermarket chains trying to gain a competitive advantage over each other. Consumers were A uso de um produto natural com milhares de attracted by the idea that they could get something for células para reparar tecidos humanos.

nothing. D indicar recessão na economia. E chamar alguém em voz alta. alteração de imagens. exposição ao mundo virtual. acesso a novas informações. In: HERNANDEZ, J. B. Ed. Women writing resistance: essays on Latin America and the Caribbean. Boston: South End, 2003 Gloria Evangelina Anzaldúa, falecida em 2004, foi uma escritora americana de origem mexicana que escreveu sobre questões culturais e raciais. The problem is there’s virtually nothing we can do to stop it. Old memories seem to be the easiest to manipulate. In one study, subjects were showed images from their childhood. Along with real images, researchers snuck in manipulated photographs of the subject taking a hot- air balloon ride with his or her family. After seeing those images, 50% of subjects recalled some part of that hot-air balloon ride – though the event was entirely made up.

dar instruções de como arrumar malas de forma a evitar inspecões. E apresentar desculpas pelo dano causado à mala durante a viagem. Questão 19 (Enem2015 caderno cinza) My brother the star, my mother the earth my father the sun, my sister the moon, to my life give beauty, to my body give strength, to my corn give goodness, to my house give peace, to my EVELETH, R. Disponível em: www. bbc. Esse poema demonstra a estreita relação entre a flick of switch. The tower will effectively function as an enormous tradição oral da cultura indígena norte-americana e a television screen, being able to project an exact replica of whatever is A transmissão de hábitos alimentares entre gerações. happening behind it onto its façade.

To the human eye, the building will appear to have melted away. B dependência da sabedoria de seus ancestrais. adaptado). No título e no subtítulo desse texto, as expressões A Tall Order e The sky isn’t the limit são usadas para apresentar uma matéria cujo tema é: A Inovações tecnológicas usadas para a construção de um novo arranha-céu em Seul. B Confissões de um arquiteto que busca se destacar na construção de arranha-céus. C Técnicas a serem estabelecidas para a construção de edifícios altos na Califórnia. RIDGWAY, L. Enem2014 caderno azul) Masters of War Come you masters of war You that build all the guns You that build the death planes You that build all the bombs You that hide behind walls You that hide behind desks I just want you to know I can see through your masks.

You that never done nothin’ But build to destroy Questão 21 (Enem2014 caderno azul) You play with my world Like it’s your little toy You put a gun in my hand A Tall Order And you hide from my eyes And you turn and run farther The sky isn’t the limit for an architect building the When the fast bullets fly. Like Judas of old World’s first invisible skyscraper. Charles Wee, one of the world’s leading high-rise architects, You lie and deceive has a confession to make: he’s bored with skyscrapers. After A world war can be won designing more than 30, most of which punctuate the skylines of You want me to believe rapidly expanding Asian cities, he has struck upon a novel concept: But I see through your eyes the first invisible skyscraper.

C o sistema que recruta soldados para guerras motivadas por interesses econômicos. D o desinteresse do governo pelas famílias dos soldados mortos em campos de batalha. E as Forças Armadas norte-americanas, que enviavam homens despreparados para as guerras. Questão 23 (Enem2014 caderno azul) The Road Not Taken (by Robert Frost) Two roads diverged in a wood, and I — I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference. Disponível em: www. Questão 24 (Enem2014 caderno azul) Disponível em: http://wefeedback. org. Acesso em: 30 jul. A internet tem servido a diferentes interesses, ampliando, muitas vezes, o contato entre pessoas e instituições. Um exemplo disso é o site WeFeedback, no qual a internauta Kate Watts A B C D E comprou comida em promoção.

It is a means of communication. ” Nerrière doesn’t see Globish in the same light as utopian efforts such as Kosmos, Volapuk, Novial or staunch Esperanto. Nor should it be confused with barbaric Algol (for Algorithmic language). It is a sort of English lite: a means of simplifying the language and giving it rules so it can be understood by all. Considerando as ideias apresentadas no texto, o Globish (Global English) é uma variedade da língua inglesa que A tem status de língua por refletir uma cultura global. C comenta que suas discussões com o pai não correspondem às suas expectativas. D conclui que os acontecimentos ruins não fazem falta para a sociedade. E reclama que é vítima de valores que o levam a atitudes inadequadas.

Questão 27 (Enem2013 caderno amarelo) Do one thing for diversity and inclusion The United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) is launching a campaign aimed at engaging people around the world to Do One Thing to support Cultural Diversity and Inclusion. Every one of us can do ONE thing for diversity and inclusion; even one very little thing can become a global action if we all take part in it. Acesso em: 16 fev. adaptado). Internautas costumam manifestar suas opiniões sobre artigos on-line por meio da postagem de comentários. O comentário que exemplifica o engajamento proposto na quarta dica da campanha apresentada no texto é: A “Lá na minha escola, aprendi a jogar capoeira para uma apresentação no Dia da Consciência Negra. ” B “Outro dia assisti na TV uma reportagem sobre respeito à diversidade.

“But of course there is a problem of overcrowding in the prison system, not only in this country, but also in many other prisons in Latin America. ” Disponível em: www. un. org. Acesso em: 22 fev. Louis, Missouri. Disponível em: www. nationalgeographic. com. Acesso em: 27 jul. There are few corporate figures as famous and well-regarded as former-Apple CEO Steve Jobs. His list of achievements is staggering, and his contribution to modern technology, digital media, and indeed the world as a whole, cannot be downplayed. With his passing on October 5, 2011, readersdigest. ca looks back at some of his greatest achievements, and pays our respects to a digital pioneer who helped pave the way for a generation of technology, and possibilities, few could have imagined. Disponível em: www. I am the darker brother They send me to eat in the kitchen When company comes, But I laugh, And eat well, And grow strong.

Tomorrow, I’ll be at the table When company comes. Nobody’ll dare Say to me, “Eat in the kitchen,” Then. Besides, They’ll see how beautiful I am And be ashamed I, too, am America. HUGHES, L. E resignação, pela submissão. Questão 32 (Enem2012 caderno azul) 23 February 2012 Last update at 16:53 GMT BBC World Service J. K. Rowling to pen first novel for adults Author J. K. Acesso em: 24 fev. adaptado). J. K. Rowling tornou-se famosa por seus livros sobre o bruxo Harry Potter e suas aventuras, adaptados para o cinema. “There probably was a shortage of not just respect and boundaries but also love. But you do need, when they cross the line and break the law, to be very tough. ” British Prime Minister DAVID CAMERON, arguing that those involved in the recent riots in England need “tough love” as he vows to “get to grips” with the country’s problem families.

Disponível em: www. time. wordpress. com. Acesso em: 17 ago. Cartuns são produzidos com o intuito de satirizar comportamentos humanos e assim oportunizam a reflexão sobre nossos próprios comportamentos e atitudes. Nesse cartum, a linguagem utilizada pelos personagens em uma conversa em inglês evidencia a A predominância do uso da linguagem informal sobre a língua padrão. The Mappiness website says: “We’re particularly interested in how people’s happiness is affected by their local environment — air pollution, noise, green spaces, and so on — which the data from Mappiness will be absolutely great for investigating. ” Will it work? With enough people, it might. But there are other problems. We’ve been using happiness and well-being interchangeably. Is that ok? The difference comes out in a sentiment like: “We were happier during the war”.

à influência das imagens grafitadas pelas ruas no aumento do nível de felicidade das pessoas. Questão 37 (Enem2011 caderno rosa) Going to university seems to reduce the risk of dying from coronary heart disease. An American study that involved 10 000 patients from around the world has found that people who leave school before the age of 16 are five times more likely to suffer a heart attack and die than university graduates. World Report News. Magazine Speak Up. glasbergen. com. Acesso em: 23 jul. Na fase escolar, é prática comum que os professores passem atividades extraclasse e marquem uma data para que as mesmas sejam entregues para correção. No caso da cena da charge, a professora ouve uma estudante apresentando argumentos para A discutir sobre o conteúdo do seu trabalho já entregue.

Garfirlf. com. Acesso em: 29 jul. Questão 41 (Enem2010 caderno azul) A tira, definida como um segmento de história em quadrinhos, pode transmitir uma mensagem com efeito de humor. A presença desse eIeito no diálogo entre Jon e Garfield THE DEATH OF THE PC acontece porque A Jon pensa que sua ex-namorada maluca e que Garfield não sabia disso. Get their names in a free report War Until the philosophy which holds one race superior And another inferior Is finally and permanently discredited and abandoned, Everywhere is war — Me say war. That until there is no longer First class and second class citizens of any nation, Until the color of a man’s skin Is of no more significance than the color of his eyes — Me say war.

…] from The Motley Fool called, “The Two Words Bill Gates Doesn´t Want You to Hear. ” Click here for instant access to this FREE report! BROUGHT TO YOU BY THE MOTLEY FOOL And until the ignoble and unhappy regimes that hold our brothers in Angola, in Mozambique, South Africa, sub-human bondage have been toppled, Utterly destroyed — Well, everywhere is war — Me say war. War in the east, war in the west, Disponível em: http://www. sing365. com. Acesso em: 30 jun. fragmento). suposta tecnologia. Viva la vida, Coldplay. In: Viva la vida or Death and all his friends. Parlophone, 2008. Letras de músicas abordam temas que, de certa forma, podem ser reforçados pela repetição de trechos ou palavras. O fragmento da canção Viva la vida, por exemplo, permite conhecer o relato de alguém que A costumava ter o mundo aos seus pés e, de repente, se viu sem nada.

For other nationalities this can be a banal and boring subject of conversation, something that people talk about when they have nothing else to say to each other. And yet the weather is a very important part of our lives. That at least is the opinion of Barry Gromett, press officer for The Met Office. This is located in Exeter, a pretty cathedral city in the southwest of England. Here employees – and computers – supply weather forecasts for much of the world. C a importância de se entender sobre meteorologia para falar inglês. D as diferenças e as particularidades culturais no uso de uma língua. E o conflito entre diferentes ideias e opiniões ao se comunicar em inglês. Os cartões-postais costumam ser utilizados por viajantes que desejam enviar notícias dos lugares que visitam a parentes e amigos.

Publicado no site do projeto ANDRILL, o texto em formato de cartão-postal tem o propósito de A comunicar o endereço da nova sede do projeto nos Estados Unidos.

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